Towne Fitness Moves Classes to Hyland Park

Towne Fitness Moves Classes to Hyland Park

With the support of the Town of Shelburne, we are excited to be moving most of our class schedule to beautiful, Hyland Park beginning the first week of August. Towne Fitness members will find our newly revised class schedule a true reflection of the times with modifications to the workout/s to maintain proper social distancing guidelines. To ensure your spot in the class, day before/same day registration is suggested. There is a wait list available. Of course, the classes are weather dependent so stay tuned for updates and if you find you’re working out in higher temperatures, slow it down. Classes are for Towne Fitness members only, at this time and we ask that you bring your own towel and hydration. Check schedule for class location as some classes will remain at the gym. [Pure LeBARRE]

REBOOT A true reflection of the times, we have designed this full body workout with you in mind. Isolation has been difficult for all of us and so this blueprint will allow you to reboot your fitness, in a safe and socially distanced environment. It’s time to get moving.

OUTSIDE THE BOX A substitute for our popular ‘PunchFit’ class, ‘OTB’ is a boxing -based workout without the use of gloves or wraps. A combination of shadow boxing, footwork, cardio, core and agility, this workout will have you boxing fit in no time.

PURE le BARRE – The Equalizer Bar, aka EQ Bar is a versatile piece of equipment & offers a unique workout. These bars are an all-in-one tool for your training needs. Whether your goal is to build strength, carve out your core or increase your agility, you will not be disappointed as your entire body experiences the benefits of this complete body workout.

YOGA IN THE PARK – Enjoy the sounds and smells of nature as you take your yoga practice to new levels. Two options available; Wednesday morning at 7am or Sunday evening at 6pm, Penny will lead you through a slow flow and restorative practice. Yoga has many benefits and helps bring more awareness to the breath which has both physical and psychological benefits. A great tool for managing stress during these uncertain times. You owe it to yourself to book into this class.