We all look forward to and often think about that day when we can ‘retire’! What does it look like for you? Are you concerned that you will be financially secure to enjoy your retirement? What about your health? Have you thought about the cost of health care as you age? That can be daunting! Did you know the most important factor affecting the quality of a person’s retirement is assumed to be financial, but it is not; it is maintaining good health.
“What’s the difference between a gym membership and an RSP contribution? They are both investments in your future however markets may fluctuate and health benefits only increase in value with time”!
It is reported that in the US, slightly more than half of those turning 65 will have some long-term care needs. The average nursing home stay is 2 ½ to 3 ½ years, but that is after 4 to 5 years of diminished capacity and needing help at home.
The best investment you can make in preparing for retirement is to invest in your health. Without your health, nothing else really matters. Over the years most of us have set aside a certain amount of money to help us through those retirement years. So why not do the same and invest monthly in your health? I equate this to a gym membership. At Towne Fitness we have many active members in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
Exercising properly is one of the best things you can do, but it can also be among the most intimidating especially if you’re overweight, but it doesn’t need to be. As a society, we need to break this fear of how others see us. We also need to stop judging others. Whenever I see someone who is overweight at the gym I am so impressed that they’re making the effort to change their lives. It doesn’t matter if you start out just going one or two days per week – it is better than what they were doing before they made that commitment.
We suggest you try different exercises to find something that you enjoy and that fits with your schedule. A personalized weight/strength training program can be very effective. Or a group workout? Proper form when exercising is a priority. At Towne Fitness our group classes are small enough that attention to detail and good form is a constant. Exercising is great, but not if you get injured.
It’s also important to understand how to properly stretch. Do not just twist your neck side to side or lazily reach for your toes to stretch. It is a recipe for injury. How you properly stretch will depend on what type of exercise you’re doing. But it is critical that you take time to stretch before and after your workout.
You are the most important place you can put your time and money, and we are probably the one thing that tends to get neglected in life. When other people’s priorities come up or it’s time to sacrifice something, we might be the first to bend. But investing in ourselves is not a selfish act. In fact, by helping make our life better we will by default make the lives better of everyone else around us. It’s the best way to ensure that you are well-taken care of in the future, too.
Have you ever invested in an extra hour of sleep and noticed immediately how much better you felt? Have you ever invested a little extra money each month into a savings account to find that you had a comfortable cushion when you needed it? Well, it’s time to put that time and money into ‘you’! Consider your monthly membership at Towne Fitness a direct investment in your future. It’s never too early or too late to make that commitment. www.townefitness.ca info@townefitness.ca [519] 925-0004.