09 Feb Bell Let’s Talk
Posted at 10:13h
in Uncategorized
By Penny Leimbrock, Boxing Coach
It’s #bellletstalk day so let’s keep the conversation going. I had
this tattoo done a few years ago to remind myself that beautiful things grow from dark places (the lotus flower) and that my story isn’t over (the semicolon). As it turned out the semicolon is backwards which worked out nicely…the tattoo isn’t perfect and neither am I. I work every day on myself to manage my brain. I have become much more aware of my triggers and stress levels and I do what I need to do to stay healthy and grounded (as much as possible). It takes work and some days that work is harder than others. Sometimes I need to talk to a professional, sometimes I need to shut off my phone, sometimes I need to go for a long walk, it varies and I am fine with that… as long as I keep moving forward. Please remember that if you are struggling that things do get better. That there are people out there who can help you make it out of the darkness. Stay strong and keep moving…even if you take micro-movements. #bellletstalk #mentalhealthawareness #femaleboxingcoach #mystoryisntover